Is Coffee Low Fodmap?

  • By: admin
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Yes, and No. Some types of coffee are low fodmap, so it is safe to have on a low fodmap diet. Many types of coffee contain high fodmap content, which could be due to their ingredients like different types of milk and sweeteners.

What Serving Size And Type Of Coffee Is Low Fodmap?

Black Coffee Low Fodmap Serving Amount According to Monash University [1]:

Brewed, regular or decaffeinated version, black coffee: 6-ounce (180 ml) cup [2] [3]

Espresso, regular or decaffeinated version, black: single shot (30 ml) and double shot (60 ml)

Instant coffee, regular or decaffeinated version, black: two heaping teaspoons (4 g total)

Coffee pods, black: 1 pod (8 g)

Low Fodmap Coffee Drinks Serving Amount According to Monash University:

Espresso, regular or decaffeinated version: 1 shot (30 ml) along with 220 ml of low Fodmap milk substitutes and double shot (60 ml) including 190 ml low Fodmap milk substitutes

Instant coffee, regular or decaffeinated version: 2 heaping teaspoons (4 g in total) prepared using 100 ml of low Fodmap milk substitutes

High Fodmap Content:

  • Espresso (single or double shot) prepared using cow’s milk up to 1 cup/250ml
  • Espresso (single or double shot) along with soy milk (soybeans) up to 1 cup/250ml [4]

Note: Many instant coffees include chicory root, which has a high Fodmap level. [5]

How Is Caffeine Worst For IBS Sufferers?

1. Increase in bowel movements

2. Increase in stomach acid production

3. Increasing the stress response

4. Coffee has Salicylates

1. Increase in bowel movements

Caffeine level in coffee promotes movement or simply the rate at which food passes through your digestive system, and so it can increase your urge to excrete waste. It occurs when coffee activates the neurons and hormonal receptors in your stomach. It is particularly problematic for those who have diarrhea-predominant IBS because their movement is already quicker than normal people. As a result, coffee can complicate discomfort in persons with diarrhea-predominant IBS, which requires medical concern. [6]

Caffeine might benefit people with IBS-C by stimulating the passage of digestive waste through the stomach. You should use this method with precaution because too much coffee could still cause stomach cramps in patients with IBS-C.

Note: Coffee can stimulate the desire for a bowel motion in less than 4 minutes. [7]

2. Increase in stomach acid production

Coffee includes chemical compounds that could promote acid production in the stomach, such as N-alkanoyl-5-hydroxtryptamides, caffeine, and catechols. These chemicals may cause heartburn and discomfort by boosting stomach acid production. Cold brew coffee is far less acidic in nature than hot brewed coffee. [8] [9]

3. Increasing the stress response

Coffee can be troublesome for IBS patients who suffer from stress or anxiety, as this can cause a spasmodic impact on the stomach, which can be increased by caffeine. Coffee can also lead to a rise in pulse rate and anxiety reaction, which can lead to even more symptoms. Caffeine might lead to an IBS stress-symptom pattern as stress can further intensify IBS symptoms. [10]

4. Coffee has Salicylates

Coffee includes salicylates, which is a form of chemical component found in several foods and manufactured synthetically in items such as painkillers and toothpaste. Although salicylates are not made of Fodmaps (carbohydrates that induce IBS symptoms), they can cause gastrointestinal problems that are indirectly related to Fodmaps. A small percentage of adults are susceptible to salicylates, which might induce IBS symptoms. If you’re not sure, seek medical advice. [11] [12]

Note: Coffee can also cause insomnia and fatigue.

Does Consuming Coffee On A Low Fodmap Diet Cause Acid Reflux?

Coffee can not just worsen IBS symptoms, but it could also increase acid reflux, often referred to as heartburn. It’s advised to stop coffee if you have heartburn or a long-term condition called gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). According to the research, coffee intensifies GERD symptoms. [13]

A detailed study has found no link between coffee and GERD in the majority of individuals. Further research is required to determine whether there is a relationship and, if it is then, how the coffee or the bad taste chemicals induce reflux in certain people. [14]

Should You Cut Out Caffeine On A Low Fodmap Diet?

Before totally eliminating coffee from your low fodmap diet, try cutting it out for a few days and then reintroducing it in moderate doses. It will help you to evaluate a systematic test of your tolerance. You can have coffee in your fodmap diet if it does not appear to cause any problems. [15]

If you choose to add caffeine to your low fodmap diet, keep its intake between 100 and 200 mg per day. Caffeine is rich in coffee, but it’s important to remember that it may also be present in a variety of products and drinks. Below are the usual amounts of caffeine in:

  • Coffee: 100-150 mg
  • Cold-brew: 100-150 mg
  • Decaf coffee: 2-5 mg
  • Dark chocolate: 20 mg
  • Black coffee: 25-50 g

Note: Coffee made up of 100% ground coffee beans are typically low in Fodmap.

Choose a small nutritious food, meditation, having a cold bath, or opting for a quick walk rather than coffee if you require instant energy but are not sure about coffee consumption with IBS.

Caffeine might increase IBS symptoms in certain people due to its high caffeine concentration. It boosts attention and mental attention, but it may also be harmful to the stomach. [16]


Coffee could be beneficial for your body and mental health if consumed in low to moderate amounts on a low fodmap diet. People suffering from IBS or diarrhea have the worst side effects of including caffeine in their diets. It is best to consult your dietitian and plan a safe diet chart according to your health and nutritional requirements.

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